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Monday, January 9, 2012

We are a nation of Subversion

I don’t usually rant political, not solely political anyway, and this is no different. I’ve been reading a bit this morning about the state of affairs in the country and it always makes me misanthropic. I see how we, as a people, always stoop to the lowest common denominator; always. We fight and mudsling instead of actually listening. We plot against what is right for what “I can get for me”. We have sullied our good name. As I interact in my home town in actual real life and on the internet for my social networking life I don’t see any force pushing for what is right. I don’t see that noble flag hoisted and fought for. Instead I see those “good causes” are really nothing more than political power pieces and they aren’t for “good” they’re for power and so they’re set up as “against” which isn’t the same thing. Being against Evil doesn’t mean you work for good.

I fail to see how we’re even still arguing about marriage as defined by religious terms. It’s ridiculous really and we’re far too intelligent to grasp as such a cheap and hateful defense from what, it seems, we unfairly fear. Any logical, reasonable person would, I believe, come to the conclusion that two people in love should marry, that there should be no difference because we are all equal. We all have the same right to pursue happiness upheld by our constitution. Without using “biblical standards”, which should be obvious, you cannot defend keeping this imbalance. As I watch my fellow countrymen try to twist and subvert the fabric of this nation for their own agenda; I weep.

The topic of Gay Marriage, which I just call Marriage, aside; we’ve watched as our elected officials argue and fight a healthcare reform not to make it better, not to make it more complete or fair or available, but on one hand fought to keep the opposing party from gaining popularity and on the other hand to simply make their side look better. They destroyed a small part of our collective consciousness in this act. They had the responsibility to act in the best interest of those who elected them and they chose instead to further their own political career.  So, when are we going to see it? We, as a nation, are simply not strong enough to resist greed, temptation. We are not good men. When healthcare is a business our greed will win, not what is right. When government is a business, a career; we are not strong enough to keep a good conscious let alone act in one.

How long has it been popular culture to call a politician crooked or corrupt? How often the subject of comedy? It is in the lexicon of common knowledge, yet we’re surprised that we’re mired in scandal and controversy?  Who has stood up and held our country dear and stood against those in power right now? Who has called for removal of corrupt politicians? Even when it has been as easily seen as it was in Wisconsin. Were those politicians removed from power for their abuses of it? It was forgotten, swept under the rug. When our people have to fear police brutality because big business actually pays for and own the police? Who is standing? When the few do stand are they supported by our country? No, they are either attacked in the press or there is a media blackout. So why is no one standing? We can now have our citizenship stripped by those who believe they have the power to do so. We can be labeled a “terrorist” and have our civil liberties taken and be held indefinitely without trial. This passed into law 1/1/2012. Well, soon there will be no one left to stand. Those who do will be quieted either by our press which tells the sheep to hate them, arrested unjustly, or simply quieted. This is our country, we should all hang our heads in shame.

Of course we’ve seen this all before. Fascism is nothing new. We saw, admittedly only in retrospect, how people standing quiet allowed for a group to overrun a government and establish itself as “right”. We saw as those who spoke out were removed because no one else would stand with them. We have this very same subversive trend slithering it’s way through our country right now. How many Christians have stood up and told these “Christian leaders” that they have it wrong, that Jesus preached love and tolerance, not hate and control? How many thinking people have stood up and said it’s wrong to hate, it causes violence? How many?

Not enough.

Why can’t we do what is right because it’s right? Why has the fabric of this country been eroded so badly that only subversive acts gain any positive movement? “Reality T.V.” has become the currency of our culture; it is now a valid representation of how we operate. We con our fellow man and begin our subversive campaign. No one works in the common good anymore; we’re all trying to be the star of the show. It’s disgusting and reprehensible. I used to be horrified at the thought that our chief cultural export was Jerry Springer, now that seems tame, but it sure looks like the bricks lining the path to where we are at now to me. Why can’t we just stand up? Why can’t we choose to be better people? Why can’t we do that without subjugating others? Like I said, being “against evil” isn’t the same as being good. It’s being a tool, a sometimes warrior, a mercenary; not responsible. That is a joke. Open your minds folks, stand for what you believe in, not what your church says, not what your local government says, not what the federal government says, unless it is what is already in your heart. You have to live your life from the joy in your own heart, not like a set of contrived dance moves you’ll memorize….  we’ve all seen the dance change, fads pass the “popular” kids change what’s “popular”. I’m sick of living in a world of adult aged Junior High School students. I’m ready for the world to evolve, to enlighten. I’m ready for us to stand for fairness, equality, justice, true freedom, honesty and tolerance. We the tired, the poor, the huddled masses just want an equality which is true to the spirit of man; be common man or the President – you are equal. It’s time to live up to the best of us, not down to the worst of us.

I believe it is time. I believe it’s time for “reality tv” to end, for the subversive nature of our country to be recognized and removed. I believe we should be so much better than we are. We’ve let our laziness go far enough. It’s time to live up to the best of us, to put our arm around our brothers and sisters and treat them like we want to be treated. I believe it’s time to be a proud American again. That takes the hard work of all of us; to own it and do our fair share.

It takes what we greatly lack in our country; integrity.

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