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Monday, October 31, 2011

By the people, for the people

I frequently write letters to federal government officials, local government officials, businesses and so on. It has spurred some meaningful conversations between a few people who wrote back and myself. I had several irons in the fire so to speak and I decided that I was becoming too involved in the situations I had originally been writing about and losing the overall message I was really trying to convey. So, I decided to write a letter and mail it to as many people as I can. This is my letter.

Dear Elected Official,

The state of our government and the striking polarity of our country have spurred me to write to you. I have a perspective I believe you need to understand.

Have you noticed how charged and volatile the atmosphere in America has been lately? I mean you can always sense a bit of that in the hotbed of government, D.C. but I can see it happening here in my home town of Denver. We've got religious "leaders" waging a hate war on what they disagree with. We've got too few jobs and our bills are too high. The economy has turned employers unscrupulous and made employees feel like indentured servants. It's a powder-keg and the Occupy Wallstreet situation makes me fear a civil war. I honestly believe that it is a possibility. Why? Because, like Egypt, Libya and so on we feel like our political leaders see us as sheep they can control to get what they want. There was a time the average citizen felt like their government was working for them, they felt they were represented fairly. It doesn't feel like that anymore, no, anymore it's like our elected officials treat their position as a dodge, or hustle to gain money and power by walking on the people. Why would anyone, any citizen, put up with this? This is the opinion more and more Americans hold, and so I'm asking you; Are you living up to the position you hold? Are you fairly representing the people or are you being bought? Are you leading this great nation back to greatness or are you simply a tick?

You've been charged with a great duty, to represent the people. You know we really are the people and you were elected from us to represent us, to protect our civil liberties, to improve this country. Has that been your mindset, or do you have more personal motives at heart? It takes all of us, with our morals and ethics intact, to change this world. We need you to be leading with honesty and integrity and using your position to care for the needs of those who elected you. You are supposed to be beyond reproach. You are supposed to be trustworthy and fair minded. Are you?

It all breaks down to this: If you, who were supposed to the best of "us", can't manage to lead with an honest heart, to give yourself 100% to the system we've all agreed upon, how can you expect us to? If you lead with that little dishonest pocket in your heart, the one you work from to get what you want, to take care of your interests first, everyone can do the same.  All mankind was created equal and the system we have all agreed upon relies on all of us entering this honestly with our hearts and minds on a bright future for all of us, not just those who stole some power and decided to twist this into what they want. We all have to have our interests taken care of because as soon as you move forward with your mind set on seeing it as "us" and "them" it creates just the atmosphere I mentioned earlier where we feel like sheep. Then, as proud Americans who want to help their country, we remove "them" from office and elect one of "us" to lead. Then the whole system gets corrupted again. Does this sound familiar?

We need to stop looking away when we let ourselves down by making a choice we know is selfish and wrong. We need to stand up for what is right. We need to understand that America is populated by a very diverse group of people. We need to accept that each and every one of us, be we gay, Christian, Democrat, Southerner, middle class, Hispanic, Vegan, pacifist, etc, all of us have equal rights, equal claim to the American dream. In knowing that, all of our legislation needs to reflect that, needs to care for those people; it's citizens. If you're not, if you're using some definition of yourself (e.g. from the list above) to make things more fair for your side what you're actually doing is subverting this great country for your own wants. I don't have the right to make this country the way that only I see it. I have to account for all citizens in my decisions were I an elected official. How often to you think this actually happens? How close to the dream our forefathers laid down do believe we are? Can you see how we've twisted and perverted it all in the name of "protecting" it?

It is time for all of us to feel safe again.  It's time to feel as though we can get back to making the world a better place and stop watching our Senators, Congressmen, Mayors, Governors, and so on, like they were unruly children. It's time for us to feel as one again! That comes from our leaders, the fabric of our country is in your hands each and every day. Are you paying that the proper respect? Are you honoring it properly? Can you hold your head high through the functions of your position day to day? If you can't then why aren't you doing what a good citizen is supposed to, like the folks who Occupy Wallstreet are doing, and stand for what is right.

We must lead with our ethics and morals intact. We must lead knowing we represent the people. We must lead with the betterment of everyone in our hearts. We must lead fairly and in the interest of us all.

It's time to turn this around. It's time for all of us to be great again. It is time for you to assume all the duties and responsibilities of your position from a center which cares for and loves all people. It's time for us to remove the bigotry and hatred from the fabric of our great nation and  for all of us to set about our duties to make it great.

I am kindly asking you to lead in such a way as our forefathers envisioned, to take your position seriously, to take responsibility and lead for all people; not just some, to be part of the solution and if you can't to please remove yourself from office so a more qualified person can. The time has come for all of us to take the interest and direction of our country into our hands; by the people for the people. It's time to stop the "Us & Them" mentality and realize that no matter what we call ourselves, at the end of the day, we're all one people.

Regardless of which direction you decide to take, you have been a public servant and I want to thank you for your service. You are appreciated.


Ryan Nikkel
"The thought manifests as the word; the word manifests as the deed; the deed develops into habit; and habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings." Buddha

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