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Friday, September 16, 2011

Exploring the Cave

What you hold inside your heart to define who you are is what you judge the world by. If you're willing to compromise just to avoid conflict, to set aside your standards just to get what you want, to hinder others so you can get ahead, all of these things we see inside the hearts of those around us. It is no wonder no one has faith in the future of us.

What we see in those around us are only reflections of who we are inside. There is a place inside everyone, call it your subconscious, your mind, whatever it is that you call it, it is the place you can think and no one will know.

Do you remember God? Do you remember creating a place he couldn't look? How large is that cave now? What thoughts live there?

I say God, not out of any disrespect to the various faiths, but in recognition that as a child it was just God. It was just the universal force of good, of right and wrong. As we grew we chose religious paths to explain what we already knew as a child, who God was. Yet we still kept a silent fortress we could escape into. You could call it a buffer zone, or a linear broadcast delay where you could choose what to let in and make the proper excuses for bringing in a thought form which you didn't live up to. Honesty is a big one. As all the parables flowed into your vault you cited president like some moral lawyer of how it didn't exactly apply to those times you didn't quite live up to it. The point lies in how you knew what was right and what was wrong all along. No matter how much you plot and build the character for the MMORPG of life you are still the energy existing in actual reality witnessing this folly. As you bring those thoughts into your cave, which was at one point defended as "you", you are still the being witnessing the influx. Recognizing this allows you to dismantle the cave. Recognizing this allows you to realize this force was the voice in the back of your head warning you, it was the force in your belly telling you it wasn't right. You were Jiminy cricket all along.

From this place you can see how that cave is fruitless, for any happiness, acceptance, love, joy and on and on are only for the character, not you hiding in the cave. Of course the same isn't said for sorrow, pain, despair, fear, loneliness and on and on; they seem to make it through just fine. Because they are yours and they come about because you live in the cave.

We are all supposed to be real, wholly authentic. We are supposed to be honest and kind. We are supposed to be good people. We all know what it means to be a good person, but over time we've obfuscated the truth. We have pulled and twisted, made it into sitcom fodder and otherwise made it acceptable to look away. I believe it is acceptable to be human, to make mistakes but it is never OK to look away from your true heart. Why do we have such problems with self esteem and the ways it bubbles to the surface from our subconscious? Back away again, walk out of the cave and see the light, feel the sun on your face. It feels like home. Now why can't we all live here, out in the open? Why can't we just be happy and simple. Why can't we talk to each other without a symphony of subtle delusion and innuendo? 

If we're all vulnerable, none of us are. Why can't we see that we're all the same? It doesn't matter if you're a different sexual orientation than me, a different race than me, a different gender than me, a different religion than me, speak a different language than me, a different political part than me, richer than me, poorer than me, it just doesn't matter. You're alive, you feel, you bleed just like me. You make different choices, ones that won't work for my life, but you walk your own path. It doesn't matter if you were exactly like me, made the same decisions, had the same likes; you are still walking your own path.

To feel alive I connect to you, stranger. I feel you there, terrified just like me. I want you to know that I love you. I know that is a strange thing to say since I don't even know you, but you're my brother or my sister. Just like my blood sister/ brother I know you'll make mistakes and I will love you still because I make mistakes too. All that you may do, I have done or can see written on the walls of my cave as a possibility for myself. I can love you still. You may be caught in the grand delusion still and push or pull on me to fit the plot you've created for your life. Getting resentful or angry is only participating in the web. I know you don't mean to hurt me personally, you just grew up like I did thinking that well if everyone else does I will too. The cycle stops with us, you know. It stops with us stepping out into the sunlight and being real with each other. It stops when I can show you the walls of my cave and compare them to yours. When we can admit and embrace our humanity we can then begin to grow as a people. We could find actual happiness together.

We are all family, without exception and we all deserve to love and to be loved.

It starts with us, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Each of us is everybody. Waves fall back into the same ocean.
