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Friday, August 20, 2010

Karma: Cause and Effect

Karma arises from the delusion of a "self". This is the basis of dualityand the cause of suffering. Our delusion of a self is the thought of a individual, someone we can identify from the outside as "me".  As soon as we have a "me" we start to triangulate its position through the identification of likes and dislikes. This causes desire and aversion which evolves into grouping everything into"us" and "them" as a way of representing ourselves. The intense focus on this is a life long quest of trying to define ourselves through outside sources. This focus distracts us from the beings we were meant to be. The beings we were meant to be exist in complete harmony with each other and our surroundings. In our deepest hearts we know this to be true and it is the true object we seek.  By defining ourselves we hope to define happiness in a form we can then possess. Possession requires a possessor, a "me", and so we never break from this cycle. Our Karma is an energy formed by the splitting of ourselves from reality and manipulating the energy field for our own gain. This causes a wave of energy which, since it is manufactured, cannot coincide with reality and is reverberated back to us in the hills and valleys we experience in"life". We never discover that you cannot hold happiness while being immersed in and experiencing it. We must drop the "me" to find happiness.

The "self" is an awareness of our presence in this reality unrelated to the rest of reality. This is, in essence, duality. It is the beginning of our separating ourselves from the "all". The self exists only in the future and the past, for we are experiencing the moment. We disconnect from the moment, what is now, reality and begin to experience it in a sort of broadcast delay where we extrapolate from the past and anticipate the future which is completely reliant on a "self" to experience all this.

The soul cannot point to the body and say "me" without ignoring its existence. Once you place the value of yourself on your physical form you've denied your soul and your very connection to everyone and everything. You cannot be in abuilding while at the same time point it out and identify it, yet we completely believe this is possible with "me". We believe we exist and can still point to ourselves from an outside perspective. How can we be two places at once? You might say our very nature is divine and there by all present. I don't believe the divine would deny its divinity and claim a solid form as it's all, it would identify as all things, as all present. This is a delusion whereby we identify a "me" and disavow our true nature and become engrossed inthe delusion of the mind.

Desire and aversion are the yin and yang of "me". They are the two opposing forces which intersect at the "me" pinpointing it. We desire that which supports the "me" and avoid that which threatens it.  We can see on the obvious level the basis ofdesire and aversion as being non-threatening. I like the warm summer and desire it. I dislike the cold of winter and wish to avoid it. It all seems quite simple and harmless. Let's look for a moment at desire and what it leads us to do and experience.  We desire comfort which in the reference of enjoying summer and disliking winter seems benign, but where do we draw the line of desire? We want ease and comfort at the expense of natural balance. There has to be a winter for there to be a summer. If we do nothing but pull pleasant to us, we fear the bad which balances it and begin to run from it. We begin a cycle of getting all the good we can while avoiding all the bad we can. It is a system we were born into and so we understand nothing but this and view it as normal. However we can simply observe the actions of nature and see that our perceived existence is unnatural. The cycle of the moon brings light and dark, as does the sun. All living things will die. The growth of spring begets the harvest of summer into fall and the death in winter provides the sources of birth again in the spring.There is a natural ebb and flow to all which exists and we attempt to avoid this process and live always in summer. We wish to tilt the playing field so the good pools with us and the bad pools elsewhere.  If we understand and accept the cyclic nature of all of existence, and understand our place in existence we can see that we are due our fair share of good and bad. By hoarding good and dodging bad we create an imbalance which, on a universal scale, will be balanced. If the recoil of "bad" is dodged by us, we are by our very aversion,deflecting our share onto some one else. We cannot gain with out others losing. This is finite; there is no gray area, even when we consider the act of living. We take in food and oxygen and water. The food we take cannot be used byanother, nor can the air or water. Desire and aversion are the act of shifting  the balance of the universe to favor "me".

The focus of the whole of our lives then becomes "keeping me happy". We go to school, form social groups, governments, own land, affix taxes, hold jobs, date, marry, procreate, own cars, have animals, own houses, live in good neighborhoods all to make "me" happy. We run and run from the "bad" by continuing to grasp at the "good". The fundamental flaw in this approach is that "good" and "bad" are completely arbitrary. Fire is bad for the trees and creatures living in that ecosystem at the moment, but overall it is good for the land. The land grows rich which is then good for trees and the creatures of the ecosystem. Good and bad are given their designations by "me". I don't like cantaloupe, I don't care for the taste. Perhaps you do, but we know someone who does. It is both good and bad depending on the perspective. The perspective is a viewing of a singular vantage point of all of reality. If our perspective is that of the tree, we don't want fire. If our perspective is that of a creature in the fire, we don't want it. If our perspective is that of the earth, we understand the fire is necessary and want it. If our perspective is of that of the universe we want the cycles played out on Earth because we know they are necessary. What if we have no perspective? What if we purposefully, knowing our connection to the earth and to the universe, shift our perspective to the broadest scope possible? Then we wouldn't want or avoid anything because we know it is all necessary.We would understand that stopping the cycle of desire and aversion would free up the energy and focus needed to experience life from the perspective of all.  Desire and aversion is a paradox which saps our energy and focus all for the purpose of identifying "me", which is a delusion because we cannot bein two places at once.

If we could stop time and observe reality of a completely unbiased perspective we would see, clearly, the nature of reality and its inherent balance. We could see the value of each bee in the hive while not seeing any bee as more important. The queen cannot exist without the drones and the drones cannot exist without the queen and so on.  If we could maintain this understanding and expand our perception to the global leve lwe can see how we are no more important than anyone else and vice versa. We can see past profession, possession, worth, reputation, status, and all other identifiers of worth.  We can see that those identifiers are fleeting and momentary. You can't take it with you and this body is not who you actually are. We could see that we all are part of a field of energy in which we all contribute and use. We could then see that things like religion, nationality, culture, race, age, gender, sexual orientation,etc mean nothing. We could see that every living thing has lived before and been reborn anew. We could see that ultimately we are all related, whether we can relate or not. We were meant to work symbiotically, no beginning and no end, no me and no you, no us, no them, no definition at all.

We separate from the all in order to possess. We want happiness and separate in order to possess it. For there to be possession there must be a possessor and you have to separate from all and define who that possessor is. We define the possessor through desire and aversion. I am a white, heterosexual, male, democrat, Buddhist, tree hugging, individual who is anti-war, anti-slavery, anti-corruption, anti-oppression, pro-government, anti-politician, pro-fairtrade, pro-recycling, etc. Those aren't who I actually am. I cannot put that into words. These are simply expressions, fixed to a moment in time set to represent me. I possess physical things to identify myself such as Birkenstocks. I possess these outlooks in order to define my character, who I am. All of this for the sole purpose of possessing happiness. By defining who I am in this way I ignore my innate nature, that which I cannot describe. That being is energy, not physical. By ignoring that which I am in order to create that which I am not for the purposes of owning the source of happiness I am in discord with myself, my true being. That discord is an energy wave which is karma.

Karma is the energetic field of discordance and disharmony caused by our projection of our "selves" into this reality being other than our truest form.There is an energy we all emit in this reality which is interdependent on the energies of all other living things. We are meant to mesh and compliment this energy field by our presence. The feeling of "being meant forsomething", I believe, comes from this. When we are manipulating our "me" through life wanting only desire and pushing away what we deem unpleasant we cause a discord in the energy field. We emit this discordant energy which is bounced off of all other things and sent back to us, coloring our reality. It cannot be absorbed by or used by anything so it is reflected back to us which shifts our perception. At this point we attempt to adapt, refusing to see this for what it is and instead seeing it as "bad things" which are happening "to me". By refusing to see actual reality and using this disrupted reflection of reality as the new reality we are in effect sticking a magnet on the back of the compass of our soul. We will never find happiness.

Manipulating the energy of who we are to identify a "me" is a manufacturing of energy to create a reality. Since the energy is then filtered through this "me" the reality formed is only an interpretation of actual reality.This delusion gains its power by the person believing in it. They have shifted their focus from their true form through a "me" and exist only in this manufactured reality. In the best of times this reality coexists harmoniously with the manufactured realities of others. In the worst of times it is discordant with the realities of others. We believe everything is happening "to me". We then fight this by chasing desire while avoiding that which we feel is unpleasant. This action only causes us to become even more ensnared in the delusion. Eventually we believe nothing else but this. The Matrix, looking in the pensive, hamster on the wheel are all metaphors for this. We are chasing a carrot we ourselves have placed out of reach.

In the end we desire and avoid that which we can't exactly remember. The stimuli become too overwhelming to handle all at once and our reality begins to degrade.  When we use the disrupted reflection, or sonic ping, of reality created by the reverberation of our manufactured energy we create an alternate reality. Even if the differences between actual reality and manufactured reality are not perceivable to the naked eye they are there. We continue the cycle by continuing to manufacture our energy in order to manipulate the now alternate reality only to have our manufactured energy once again reverberated back to us causing a shift and new alternate reality. It's like making a copy of a copy of a copy. Eventually it degrades to become useless and illegible. We may never see this error as we completely commit to the "me" which brings the alternate reality. We have ignored our true selves to the point where we can no longer even believe in the possibility of it. The delusion becomes reality; we get lost in the matrix and define happiness as the absence of sadness. True happiness simply doesn't exist in the matrix. We cannot manipulate energy outside of ourselves into happiness then take it into ourselves. It is, by the act of manufacturing it, foreign, an illusion. Happiness doesn't exist there.

We finally discover that true happiness is actually the very makeup of our true selves. It is the energy field of all. We all exist in it all the time; we area part of the happiness solution, not a colloid. It is when we extract ourselves from the whole in order to own the whole in order to own happiness that we experience the lack of happiness. We create the paradox of samsara, which is the delusion that we are anything other than a part of the whole. Understanding this we begin to cut away at our delusions, at the cords ofattachment which we have put in place while we thought we were chasing happiness. The cords of attachment only serve to hold us against the natural ebb and flow of life. When we cut them and let go, really let go and float with the current we become the current, we become the stream, the continent, the planet, the galaxy, the universe, nothing.  We are one giant schizophrenic mind which has forgotten that it is one voice, one being, one energy containing all. If we, as a whole, can remember that maybe we can remember that we are no mind at all and fully realize nothingness, the complete surrender, the absence of control, the blending of ebb and flow, nothing and everything all at once.

I believe to find this each of us has to let go, drop the illusion, awaken and simply be. We must walk within the light of truth always and become the light until the light becomes the beam it projects. Until there is no beginning and no ending. Only then can we understand true happiness, until then it is only an interpretation of a memory of being whole many lifetimes ago, covered by the bodies of ego we and others have inhabited in order to find what was innately there to begin with.  We can't be two places at once, but we can be everywhere and nowhere at once.

Monday, July 19, 2010

How can I be happy?

I posted a status which inspired a lot of thoughts for me. I had to trim down my post by half so I decided to write it in a note.

We are all unique, with talents no one else has. We are, each of us, special but I see within us all the beautiful humanity. If we could only love ourselves through our failures, not condone them but love them as an integral part of our growth and humanity, then maybe we could be more patient, loving, forgiving and supportive of our fellow people who are going through their own lessons, through life and making mistakes just like we do.

We are not defined by a nanosecond of our existence, no vivisection of our lives can encapsulate our whole. Why do we always remember this about ourselves and curse the guy who cuts us off as the very embodiment of pure evil?

So why do we view others and judge them for the briefest interaction with us? Why is it I have to remove that part of myself, or circumvent it in order to be able to love my fellow man unconditionally? If I have to do that, am I truly loving unconditionally? No, I'm not. I'm loving in the way which we have chosen is acceptable. The way we have chosen is that if I completely sign off on you as a person, then I can love you. You have to meet all my criteria as a person and, most importantly, validate my being because I feel I somehow vouched for you. All of my own bologna is getting in the way of my appreciation of you as a being.

You have existed in this and many other lifetimes, as we all have. Your path through this reality is only the process of learning life's lessons in order to help others. The help we offer others isn't always up to us. Often it is a simple interaction which we pay no mind to that has some profound impact on the other person. It may be that you're courageous and inspire that person to stand up. It may be, as it was for me, that you inspire by being gentle. This person was a huge influence in my life and they have no recollection of the event. That is because they were simply being and interacting with another. I saw this and was inspired to gentleness. It was possible to be this way.

We also teach through our lessons. When we are distracted by life what shows though is the truest representation of our actual nature in this world. We haven't had time or attention to change it into something socially acceptable as we do with our conscious actions. They say actions speak louder than words. I am talking about those moments in life which completely engulf us and teach us lessons, not the challenges which come after to solidify the lessons. While going though our lessons we teach others who come into contact with us. We may be teaching how to gracefully learn life's lessons. We just may be teaching how not to act. In that moment we do not get to choose what kind of lessons we are teaching. We are in the middle of our lessons and usually completely unaware of the effect we are having on others.

How can we change, learn, grow and continue to be a positive presence in the world? I accept my life and that I am not in control of what others learn from me. Still, I would like to be only a positive force. I must remember that failure isn't negative, only my reaction to it can be negative. So, if I am honest with myself and completely own my failures, not for self pity or to garner sympathy, I can begin to chisel away at the negative effects of my lessons on both myself and others. The negativity brought forth through lessons isn't the lesson itself, rather it is the energetic repercussion of denial. If I lie to you and you catch me it hurts and changes our friendship. If you catch me and I completely recognize my fault and appreciate your hurt feelings we can still be friends. You understand that I make mistakes. If the same thing happens and instead of owning my truth I lie more, or hedge the blame, or in any other way try to escape responsibility two things happen. First the negative energy I have put out into the universe is absolutely coming back since I failed to own it. Secondly by looking away and lying I have created an alternate universe which only I can live in, and then how can we be friends. Only if you buy into my reality instead of the truth. I'm no kind of friend at all if I expect you to sacrifice the truth for my dishonesty. When it comes right down to it I want a real friend, who makes real mistakes and actually includes me in their life. I want the kind of friend who loves me through my mistakes.

In looking at all of this, trying to be a better person, a better friend, a better father and husband I had to ask, how can I the best person I can be? I started with "calling bullshit on myself". It is difficult to come together with someone during a conflict. The dynamics of the relationship are very adversarial. How can I make it more cooperative? After all this is my friend, we may be fighting, but they are my friend. I know for myself that when someone is bringing something to me they shouldn't be ignoring their part in it. I find it hard to bridge the gap and accept my faults when the person bringing it to light has faults they're not recognizing which lead to the overall conflict. So I own my own bologna first to myself then I own it to my friend before I bring my hurt feelings across. I accept that I may be wrong and that it is ok to be wrong. The only thing which isn't ok is knowing I'm wrong and moving forward anyway. Being wrong, honestly mistaken, is only human.

So now I have this lifelong problem of judging others for simple mistakes, exaggerating their transgressions into diabolical schemes against my very existence. I react poorly and hurt those around me through the many varieties of temper tantrums I throw. Then when I get my crap together and right the basket I just dropped I don't own it. I may own part of it and gloss over the rest. I actually believe no one else sees this but I have actually fragmented my relationships. This changes how I view myself and I begin the downward spiral of low self esteem which brings the side effects of sadness, loneliness, self loathing, insecurity and so forth. I want out so desperately. I want normal and I just want to be loved, but how?

My answer, and I claim no authority or expertise other than this has brought me happiness:

I am a sneaky bastard and know well how to lie to me

I have to know myself completely, dark and light to reach balance, and to live in reality.

Happiness never came from ignoring truth, or pretending I am other than I am.

I am the only source of my self-esteem and I hurt me 100 times more when I lie to me than when someone else lies to me. Trust is broken when a lie is told. If I don't trust me how can I love me?

What I see in another that causes me to judge is always something within myself I'm not facing. It doesn't always translate directly across, but it always starts there.

There is a vast difference between what I believe and what I want to believe. What I believe is shown in my natural reactions. What I want to believe is also shown that same way, only in it's absence.

I vow to be wholly authentic in all I do, especially when that means owning a mistake.

I believe we are all equal. It doesn't matter what sex, race, nationality, age, sexual orientation, etc, etc we are. We are nothing more than the life which inhabits our bodies from existence to existence. This makes my physical imperfections moot. This makes any difference you can draw attention to inconsequential. It means I can love you without attachment. It means I can love you without needing your life to validate or compliment mine.

I am not a punching bag nor a whipping boy. If your actions aren't right for me, I can tell you. If you love me and listen then we just strengthened our relationship. If you disagree we can talk, because you're my friend and I love you and I respect your opinion. If I feel that after I have tried honestly to get my feelings across without undue emotion and that you and I disagree I have to do what is right for me. I can end our friendship and still love you as a person. There are some paths I cannot walk down with you, nor you with me. It doesn't have to be done with hate or anger. As soon as you have begun to feel emotion you have ceased striving for the truth ~ Buddha.

Lastly, none of this is here for long and all that will remain in the fabric of the universe is the kind of person I was. It's not what I own, it's not what I said or the people I convinced to like me. It's not about my position or possessions. It was, is and will always be in every reincarnation, about choices. The illumination of what I believe, the dance of me, is shown through my choices. When I dig inwards and find me and fully appreciate the light and shadow which I am, I have the opportunity in that moment to stand still. I no longer have to chase acceptance for I accept me. I no longer have to wait for love because I love me. I can just be. No more conspiring for the future and damaging myself through lies to myself, or actions I knew were wrong all along. No more letting the past be the excuse for my procrastination. I exist only now and I will not ignore today to plot for tomorrow, nor to wallow in yesterday. I will live in truth and be love, starting with me, starting with loving and accepting the real me.

I have tried to make my journey as open a book as possible because I believe if we can make our mistakes human and understandable we, as a people, we be less likely to hide it. It's the hiding, the dishonesty and what that leads us to which hurts us, not the mistakes. If I share honestly what is inside then maybe you can relate and share, and then maybe we can all come together and realize that we are all messed up and we're all ok. It's not the fault or failure, it's the looking away.

If you have any questions or anything to say, don't hesitate. You're my friend and I love the expression of you.

Love and be loved in this moment and as many as you can. Understand yourself completely. Understand you in this moment. Understand you from the perspective of your entire life. What was the intent of your life? Understand yourself from the perspective of the universe. If everything was taken away, family, possession, the world, everything and you were left floating in non-existence would you love you? Could you spend eternity with only your own company. You know yourself more intimately than you may think. There is not enough time to be anything other than your true self. Know that you're not alone and know, above all else, that you're loved.


"The thought manifests as the word; the word manifests as the deed; the deed develops into habit; and habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings." Buddha

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"We can be WE" - A Poem

Can't you love me for what’s in my heart
How we're the same
Not how we're apart

Can't you see inside and realize
We all see through
Different colored eyes

Our skin is never the exact same hue
How can who I am ever threaten you
Why can't we seem to live and let live
Instead of forcing our narrow perspective

Don't you see how boring it would be
If we're the same
Everyone like me

There would be nothing to light the fire
To infuriate
Or to inspire

None of us love in the exact same way
Whether, lesbian, straight, bi or gay
A transgendered person has the same soul
Who am I to tell them how to feel whole

Why must we fill our hearts with hate?
Life is too short
Love is innate

All of us thrive beneath the moon and sun
Very diverse
And all of us one.

Don't define yourself through my choices
We all have Independent voices
You can be you and I can be me
Even if we differ we can be we

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"State is a Fear of Mind" - A Poem

Your happiness is fleeting
Only fake faces meeting
When you stand within the swarm
A cliche standard greeting
When you hear the sheep bleating
They demand that you conform

When your free thought is a threat
They'll make you live to regret
That you dared to cut from the fray
You see, the way life is set
When you don't live within the debt
You take their control away

But still we're all buying in
All wearing the same false grin
As we hoard what we don't need
When our excuses wear thin
While we hate our own skin
and sink, still clinging to greed

Take but a moment and see
How tolerant we can be
And evolve for all mankind
Believe that we can be free
Not just you or I, but; we
If we just refuse to stay blind

and remember

State is a fear of mind

Ryan Nikkel

(written while on retreat, title is not mine but something a friend wrote which inspired the poem)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Lessons from the Universe

I had an incredible experience last night, a blending of myself with the universe with the thought of peace and happiness for all. I tried to conceptualize what a complete removal of my "self" as a filter between who I am and the Universe. I tried to remove my attachments to this body, to this mind, to this world, to the set of rules (such as gravity) that we all agree to which from inherent limitations to what I can accept. There is a fundamental difference between what we believe and what we want to believe. What we want to believe we can't fully accept as existing in this reality, or it would already be what we believe. What we believe (or know in our hearts) doesn't need proof of existence, it simply is. In the stripping away of everything I "know" to be me I was hoping to remove any filters, any ego and find a true oneness with the universe. The exact manner isn't important, it was my experience, it was what I remembered afterward, so it is already an interpretation and not the actual path.

As I was trying to remove my being from the communication with the universe I thought of the world and how I've been so sad at the callousness and cruelty within and to our fellow beings. I was wishing for peace and happiness for all. I wanted to bring that to the world. I realized that I cannot because I can't remove my own self serving ego (even on the most infinitesimal level) from trying to direct that concept, or the energy of that concept into this reality. It would have to travel through a "me" and I would filter and corrupt it. Trying to act as a conduit to the universe for bringing the energy of happiness, universal and total happiness into this reality is impossible because the entrance would exist in this reality and would be hindered by the delusion, or more appropriately, by the acceptance of limitations which are the founding rules of this reality.

As I struggled with how to bring this peace, love, compassion, freedom... happiness to the world I understood my own failings. My definition of what that means applies only to me. All sentient beings cannot live in my ideal of happiness. They have to find their own. There is no way to deliver that to the people.... not in writing it down because we will interpret it to our own means even if only on a subconscious level; though history shows us through the foundations of religions that it is on a grand scale. We can't speak it for similar reasons: happiness is universal and our ears are only in this reality, hearing within the context of what we deem possible and placing limitations upon it by the assumed restrictions which go with this reality we all exist in right now.

I was frustrated because we all deserve and need peace and happiness. I cannot bring this peace because of the very nature of me. The words peace, love, harmony, happiness, compassion; even as you read them you interpret them into your own context. We understand the word as it relates to us, or rather, I understand those words as they relate to that which is understanding it, me. Even if I can strip away my prejudices though focused meditation or symbolic ritual the words still exists only within my conscious mind which is the last stand of the ego. My almighty brain, my wondrous tool, through which I experience the world is incapable of existing without prejudices. It has a beginning and an end, it is not permanent. I can only achieve what I think those words mean, and the action of the thinker filters the energy represented by the word into the context which I understand. I cannot understand it because I will try to shape it from it's original form. A person cannot give it because it exists within everyone already. Each person has to see it there for themselves.

I felt a bit defeated. I wanted so much for the answer I set out long long ago to find. When I was young I was sick and lived with my mom and my sister. They would fight constantly. Not ugly screaming, cursing fights, just conflicts. They didn't agree on anything. I wanted to find the peace between them, I wanted to make them both happy. Unfortunately what made my sister happy made my mom sad or angry and what made my mom happy made my sister angry or frustrated. I understood that one happiness for them both didn't exist. I guess I had been looking for that one happiness ever since. I realize that happiness didn't exist like a warm blanket that could cover all the world. It isn't an adding to, it's a taking away. You can't supply happiness, only remove the reasons for unhappiness. How can I do that?

I was told by the soft voice of the universe to "be humble", it's not for me to know, it's not my answer to share. I cannot hope to grasp what needs to be removed for all the world to be happy. I must realize I am but one small part of this whole. I must simply do my part, for me, without allowing my ego to plot or plan. Doing my part based on how it will be perceived by others isn't humble, it's ego. Doing my part based on what I will get in return isn't humble either, it's still ego. Defining what is my part based on the actions or inaction of others isn't humble either, it's pure ego. Doing my part is the performing the sacred ritual of existence in every moment without thought of manipulating it or others.

What is this sacred ritual I must perform? I was told by the guiding voice of the universe to "be a good person" when I pushed and wanted to help bring about that happiness. That is all I can do, be a good person. Being a good person doesn't mean being a better person that "so & so", it means privately, for yourself, with no fanfare. It doesn't mean being a good person for me, or for my values, it means being good. It means finding in each moment the universal source of peace, love, compassion, happiness and letting that fill me. It means being honest in the physical, verbal, mental and energetic planes. It means being wholly authentic consistently in the now. It means understanding that being patient isn't my idea of patience which brings with it gives and takes. I will be patient until they do what i want them to do, that is patience... no it isn't. Being patient always is. I will be kind to this person because they need it and will be filled with that love and will themselves become a better person.... that isn't kindness it is ego. I will be kind to everyone... universally. And so on... finding the universal meaning of being a good person.

Then I thought about how that could bring about some kind of peace and I was told by the wise voice of the universe that "what will be will be" that I am not to try to shape or direct that. I understood that understanding the universal meaning of being a good person was a private ritual, a private walk for myself. I am not to look to others to bring about change. That is ego and if I act or if I don't act, what will be will be. If I live, if I die, what will be will be. It is complete freedom. There is no attachment in that. What will be will be. Then my mind raced, as the universe left me and attempted to retain this enlightened perspective, this tranquil and peaceful mind and I thought: what of the ugliness of the world? and the universe answered be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. What if I am abused? we answered: be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. What if I am to die tomorrow? be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. What if I am to win the lottery? be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. What about the lack of understanding? be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. What about the serious condition of our country and it's political sodomy of the common man? and I answered: be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. What about the fact that all of society, all of the world is founded on a system of greed and perpetuated by that same greed? I understood: be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. Happiness is mine to fill myself with: be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. Freedom is to be humble, be a good person, what will be will be.

I am to be humble, be a good person, what will be will be. What that means in every moment of every day is unchanging because it is not: Be a humble me, be a good me and what will be will be for me.

I will be universally humble, a good person, not good in relation to a thing, a person, a situation, and what will be will be for all.

That was my lesson from the universe.